The EA Experience

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EA Training is extremely proud to be part of EA Technology's rich technical heritage, providing the industry with over five decades of expert knowledge and experience.

Experienced professionals providing real-world lessons

We are dedicated to excellence in power engineering training. We strive to create an environment where practitioners can harness the latest technology to drive business growth and achieve success. Our vision is for EA Training to be a global leader in power engineering education, offering ground-breaking solutions that equip learners all over the world with the skills they need to thrive. 

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With over 50 years of experience in the energy industry, EA Technology has established itself as a leader in providing innovative solutions for the sector.

Since then, we have evolved and grown to become a trusted partner for businesses and organisations in the energy industry.

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In 2011, we launched our first managed programme for Northern Powergrid, solidifying our expertise and reputation in the industry.

Our partnership with Northern Powergrid has allowed us to develop and deliver specialised training courses that cater to the specific needs of the energy sector. 

EA Training Conference Room 1

In 2023, Power Skills Centre evolved into EA Training.

In 2023, Power Skills Centre evolved into EA Training. With over 540 days of training provided to 7 DNOs (Distribution Network Operators), we have a proven track record of success in helping individuals and organisations reach their full potential.

Our unique programmes aim to inspire every student

Our specialist courses, designed and delivered by experienced professionals in their respective fields, have gained a reputation for providing real world lessons and cutting-edge information. 

Our vision is to be a global leader in power engineering education

Our mission is to deliver top-rate technical training programmes, leveraging the extensive expertise and resources of EA Technology. We strive to equip professionals with the necessary tools and competencies to excel in their respective fields, fostering innovation, sustainability, and growth within the industry.

We are here to upskill you and help you succeed.

Whether you're a newcomer to the industry, a recent graduate, an apprentice, or an experienced engineer, our courses provide a wide range of options to empower anyone interested in learning electrical engineering.

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